Sravanti Tekumalla

Building software, strength, and reslience.

Always Be Improving: Curating developer experiences

I recently saw a project on Github which was a collection of short interviews where people shared how to become a better developer. I really enjoyed reading through advice that developers had to share.

I also noticed there weren’t any female responses.

So going into 2017, I thought it’d be useful to run a similar project with my network! I know  there are awesome women who have great advice to share with the world about improving yourself technically and wanted to provide a platform for that advice. 😊

If you’re interested in contributing your thoughts on how to become a better developer, let me know — ideally, I’d like to feature a range of experiences from newbie to seasoned developers.

Topics that I think would be useful to center the project around:

  • What’s something you do to become a better developer? Are there daily / weekly / regular habits you have (e.g. watching an egghead series each week)?
    • Sub-topic: what are resources you find helpful to keep your skills sharp?
  • What’s a soft skill you think is important to become better at what you do?
  • Do you do something outside of work that you think makes you better at your day job?
  • What’s a piece of career advice you wish you could give your younger self?
  •  If you could take a few days off and learn one new technology, what would it be?
  • I’d love to curate responses by early January to provide some inspiration going into 2017 🚀 . Hopefully I’ll be able to add to it over time so that it’s a living document, too (I’ll probably keep the interviews in a Github repo, just like the other project)! If you or anyone you know is interested, email me at or DM me on Twitter.

    ** Note: Trans/nonbinary folks welcome as well. 🙂