Sravanti Tekumalla

Building software, strength, and reslience.

  • Oops

    You may notice that none of my previous posts have any images. At all. This is entirely due to my procrastinating renewing my shared server space. I ended up shifting my content last-minute to using a combination of Hugo and Netlify, which was painless and free! The downside is that I don’t think my Wordpress export included images, and I lost access to my shared server space, so my image links are broken.

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  • Looking for Artists Who Look Like Me

    Note: this blog post is based on a talk I gave at Write/Speak/Code in NYC on August 3, 2018. Find the slides here!  In the past, I’ve documented my previous attempts to analyze the MoMA GitHub repository of artists and artworks. Inspired by the initial analysis of the massive collection of art metadata by FiveThirtyEight, I set off to answer a few questions of my own. Initially, I was initially interested in questions like, “How rapidly has the museum collected art over time?

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  • Classical Music & Collaboration

    Lately, I’ve been watching Leonard Bernstein’s lectures, which he recorded at Harvard in the 70s. He does an incredible job at communicating the building blocks of classical music to an audience of classical music enthusiasts and laypeople alike. Today, I stumbled upon another video of his; a televised lecture / performance titled, “The Creative Performer.” He dedicates the first 12 minutes to discussing just the opening 8 bars of Beethoven’s Eroica symphony, explaining how to construct an interpretation using dynamics, tempo, etc.

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  • Better Self Assessments

    I struggle a lot with writing positive feedback about myself. I’m overly critical, judgmental, and am afflicted with being overly modest. Yet, writing about yourself and advocating for yourself is such a useful skill that it’s hard to be overly critical and expect yourself and others to see your progress.   With that, here’s what’s helped me in my last self assessment: Track your accomplishments weekly — this is so important!

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  • Reflections on Job Searching

    After my longest period of uncertainty in life— spending two months unemployed — I’ll be starting as a software engineer at Uber on their Risk and Safety team on Monday. It was a long and winding road to get here, as, quite frankly, this was my first real job search, where I actively interviewed at multiple companies and prepped for whiteboarding interviews thoroughly. As others have noted, this process is easily underestimated, and I felt it was worthwhile to document my lessons learned along the way.

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  • Always Be Improving: Curating developer experiences

    I recently saw a project on Github which was a collection of short interviews where people shared how to become a better developer. I really enjoyed reading through advice that developers had to share. I also noticed there weren’t any female responses. So going into 2017, I thought it’d be useful to run a similar project with my network! I know there are awesome women who have great advice to share with the world about improving yourself technically and wanted to provide a platform for that advice.

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  • Hillary's Inbox

    As the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton has come under fire for using a private email server to send work-related emails during her time as Secretary of State. Through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, Clinton has released batches of these emails, with the final batch released in February. While the FBI investigation is still ongoing — in particular, with regards to Clinton’s use of an unsecure home server and whether she was complicit in sending classified information — media outlets have taken interest in just what Hillary was sending and receiving and to whom.

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  • What does Hillary Clinton’s inbox look like?

    I, too, am tired of hearing about Hillary’s use of a private email server. On the other hand, it led to a pretty neat data set to unpack: a dump of emails she’s sent and received. I played around with this data set a bit and was particularly interested in how different groups of people interacted with Hillary. Did men use shorter sentences than women, for example? Did her staffers send one-liners versus ambassadors who sent lengthy emails?

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  • [WIP] When Github and MoMA collide

    When I saw that MoMA had released their collection data on GitHub, I knew I had to do something  with it. I’m taking art history right now and I find myself asking several questions about when and how art is acquired, so this is a great tool to help answer some of those questions. I read fivethirtyeight’s MoMA analysis, but I think we can do more with this dataset — more than the physical composition about the works of art, we can make sense of the context surrounding art as well.

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  • Four-hour reporting

    This weekend, I revived my journalism chops from my time at The Wellesley News when I, with my partner, reported on an event and “filed” a story within four hours as a challenge for my Future of News course. My internal monologue at the beginning of this assignment: Four hours? _Please. _ I did this all the time at The News, covering events last minute and rushing to get copy in a couple hours later for the copy editors.

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